Granitic Polycrase
Polycrase is a good source of rare earth minerals, including Titanium, particularly for those who have developed the necessary techniques to break down this radioactive ore. The Caldari State has led the way in searching for sources of titanium-bearing minerals as it uses tremendous quantities of the material in its ships. The State Military Stockpile will eagerly exploit new finds of polycrase in asteroid fields.
Granitic polycrase asteroids have excellent quantities of large polycrase crystals compared to the normal deposits found on polycrase-bearing asteroids.
Granitic polycrase asteroids have excellent quantities of large polycrase crystals compared to the normal deposits found on polycrase-bearing asteroids.
Structure and speed:
- Mass: 4000 kg
- Volume: 0.1 m3
- Cargo capacity: 0 m3
EW - Resistance:
- Stasis Webifier Resistance 0