EVE Online Ships

EoM Stolen Cyno Beacon (NPC structures Large Collidable Object)

EoM Stolen Cyno Beacon (not published)

EoM Stolen Cyno Beacon


This stolen cynosural beacon is being used by the Equilibrium of Mankind to move their capital ships around New Eden under the noses of the core empires. It can only function within empire-controlled space because the EoM have hacked into the cyno networks of the empires and spoofed a cyno-jamming bypass registration. If this beacon is disrupted by hacking into a connected Cyno Network Spoofing Facility this beacon will cease to be a threat.

Structure and speed:
  • MassMass: 100 kg
  • VolumeVolume: 0 m3
  • Cargo capacityCargo capacity: 0 m3

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