Awakened Warden
The design of this Sleeper drone echoes what is believed to be the very earliest Sleeper Starships, suggesting it was perhaps constructed during that period too. Contrasting with its possible age is the unspoiled condition of its armor, suggesting that if it is indeed as ancient as its designers, it has only very recently been put into service.
Awakened Warden
hitpoints | EM resistance |
explosive resistance |
kinetic resistance |
thermal resistance |
uniformity * | |
Armor: | 8800 | 0.4 |
0.4 |
0.4 |
0.4 |
0.75 % |
* Threshold below which damage starts "bleeding" through to the lower level
Awakened Warden
No data available.
Awakened Warden
Max locked targets: 4
Max targeting range: n.a. M
Radar sensors: 20 points
Ladar sensors: 20 points
Magnetometric sensors: 20 points
Gravimetric sensors: 20 points
Signature radius: 150 M
Scan resolution: 350 Mm
Scan speed: S
Structure and speed:
Mass: 10900000 kg
Volume: 109000 m3
Cargo capacity: 120 m3
Maximum velocity: 1485
Speed and Travel:
Orbit Velocity 165
Capacitor Capacity 725
Capacitor Recharge time 1000000
Disallows Assistance 1
Structure Hitpoints 4400
EM damage 20
Explosive damage 0
Kinetic damage 0
Thermal damage 20
Accuracy falloff 45000
Turret Tracking 0.04
Rate of fire 5000
Optimal Range 90000
Signature Resolution 125
Damage Modifier 9.9
Missile Damage Bonus 1.8
Security Status Kill Amount 0
Rate of fire 15000
Missile Velocity Bonus 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus 1.5
Explosion Radius Bonus 0.8566
Explosion Velocity Bonus 1.2868